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Wee Heavy

As the name would suggest the Wee Heavy is a Scottish beer style that has a strong ABV between 6.5%-10%. The colour typically ranges from a light copper to a rich dark brown, it has a malt-forward flavour with little to no hop presence, creating a sweet toffee or dark fruited flavour that's perfect for sipping slowly on a cooler evening by the fire (or radiator!).

Wee heavy beer has a rich brewing history and a complexly layered flavours that have captured audiences from around the globe. Farm Yard Brew Co’s “Wee Heavy” is a bourbon barrel aged version which has a robust and dark malted flavour, with notes of smokey toffee and dark fruits.

So if you’re intrigued by the allure of this hearty, malt-forward brew that embodies the rich traditions of Scotland. Now’s the time to take the plunge into the world of Wee Heavies, add a few of these to your custom beer box and take the next exciting step on your beer journey on Tap Door.


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